Statements from President Crow

ASU President Michael M. Crow on Proposed Tuition and Fee Adjustments

March 26, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has endured for more than a year and will continue to require careful navigation for the remainder of 2021 and beyond. This public health crisis has posed numerous challenges and opportunities for us all, and throughout, Arizona State University has risen to the occasion and demonstrated its commitment to be of service during these extraordinary times. Our actions include advancing our charter promise to enhance accessibility to quality higher education and to support the success of our students.

Recognizing the significant financial impact the pandemic has had on many individuals, including ASU students and their families, I am proposing no tuition increase for any current or incoming ASU student for the 2021-2022 academic year. This will be the second year in a row campus immersion students have seen no tuition increase.

While tuition at ASU will remain unchanged, a limited set of academic program fee adjustments, the majority of which are for graduate level academic programs, are included in our proposal for the 2021-2022 academic year. If approved, these changes to academic program fees would only apply to new ASU students enrolling for the first time in the 2021-2022 academic year, and not impact currently enrolled students.

As we continue to work together to navigate the complexities related to COVID-19 and other national and global issues, ASU will also continue to exhibit leadership, innovation and service to address and adapt to the ever-evolving social, economic and cultural realities ahead. As is our practice, we will keep the communities we serve informed and engaged as we advance our mission and progress as a world-class public research university.

I invite you to read ASU’s FY22 tuition and fee proposal here and to e-mail your questions to for additional information.